Spring Clean - Nine Ways to Help the Environment
According to estimates, there are 50 billion pieces of trash or recyclable materials along roads and waterways in the U.S. Everyone needs to take responsibility to prevent this waste from reaching the oceans. Here are nine ways to help the environment as spring arrives:
Pick Up Trash When You See It: Carry a small bag when walking your dog or going for a walk with friends, and pick up any trash you see along the way. If you encounter hazardous materials such as needles, consult local authorities on how to dispose of them safely.
Cardboard, Bottles, Cans, and Food Packaging Are the Most Commonly Disposed Items: The largest increase in roadside and waterway waste in the last decade has come from five items: cardboard, beer bottles and cans, food packaging films, sports drinks, and water bottles. All of these are recyclable, and some may even be worth money.
Volunteer for Waterway Cleanups: If there is an organization or business in your area that conducts waterway cleanups, consider volunteering. You can often wear waders and use a grabber to collect trash and recyclables in shallow rivers and streams.
Close Your Recycling Bin: If you recycle, make sure your bin is closed on windy days. If possible, bring your bin out as close as possible to the time the trash truck arrives and secure the lid to prevent lightweight materials from flying out into the street or riverbanks.
Limit the Trash and Recycling You Produce: When purchasing items, think about how much waste and recycling you are creating. Opt for refillable alternatives instead of disposable products. By reducing the amount of waste and recycling in your shopping, you can contribute to nature.
Take Care When Picking Up Trash: When picking up trash, especially hazardous materials (e.g., broken glass, sharp objects), handle them carefully. Wear gloves to protect your hands and be cautious when collecting dangerous waste such as needles. Seek assistance or advice from local authorities when handling such waste.
Be Mindful of Packaging When You Shop: When shopping, pay attention to product packaging and avoid unnecessary packaging. Choose durable, long-lasting products over disposable ones. By limiting packaging, you can reduce waste and minimize environmental impact.
Develop Recycling Habits at Home: Establish recycling habits at home and raise awareness among family members. Regularly sort recyclables and place them in designated bins. This will make it easier to collect recyclables and increase recycling rates at home.
Participate in Community Cleanup Events: Actively participate in community cleanup events organized by local environmental groups or municipalities. These events are often held in parks, beaches, or public spaces, where participants come together to clean up the environment. By joining these events, you can support trash collection efforts and raise environmental awareness.
Remember, the combination of small efforts can make a big difference in keeping the environment clean and sustainable. It is important for every individual to take responsibility and adopt environmentally conscious living habits for a cleaner world.